Civil Land-Based Applications
Whether enhancing the creativity of a movie maker or monitoring power lines, the S-100’s intuitive and accessible technology makes it the perfect choice for a diverse range of users.
MORE CIVIL LAND-BASED APPLICATIONS The S-100 provides an ideal platform from which to collect and measure atmospheric samples, whether they be Chemical, Biological or Radiological (CBR). The S-100’s ability to hover and move slowly with high navigational accuracy enables the accurate 3-dimensional mapping of CBR clouds. When equipped with LIDAR and color video sensors, the drone can accurately perform 3-dimensional mapping to provide valuable information for geographers, resource extraction companies, infrastructure planners and inspectors as well as disaster response organizations.
Civil Maritime Applications
The CAMCOPTER® S-100 is able to provide unique degrees of flexibility, versatility and persistence, all of which are key to successful operation in maritime environments.
MORE CIVIL MARITIME APPLICATIONS The maritime environment, more than any other, requires timely situational awareness and communications. Schiebel is meeting today’s challenge with its CAMCOPTER® S-100, proven in all operational areas, including littoral, riverine and inland as well as the open sea.
Small vessels, especially, require UAS that place the smallest demands possible on resources and logistics support. Working with its world-class partners, Schiebel has reviewed existing manned-helicopter maritime practices and used this information to develop a unique maritime capability.
Military Maritime Applications
The S-100 is a significant force multiplier for maritime commanders, extending the reach of the ship beyond the horizon. It greatly improves the decision makers' situational understanding and operational responsiveness.
Since 2006, there has been a successful development of a fully automated shipboard landing system. The S-100 can take off and land at wind speeds of up to 25 knots over deck. However, successful flight-testing has been conducted at wind speeds of 40 knots and sea states greater than 3.
MORE MILITARY MARITIME APPLICATIONS With increasing levels of threat and larger numbers of vessels occupying our seas, the demand to understand and predict ship movements and actions is becoming an even more complex task. Capable of carrying out operations from a single ship or as part of a task force, the CAMCOPTER® is a true force multiplier. Working as part of collaborative future maritime patrols, the combination of manned, unmanned and satellite-based reconnaissance systems will help to ensure safer movement of traffic across the world’s oceans, deter aggression, better detect piracy, secure coastlines and protect infrastructure such as pipelines and energy platforms.
Military Land-Based Applications
The multi-capable S-100 enhances your military capability and delivers an intelligent and flexible solution for a wide range of missions.
MORE MILITARY LAND-BASED APPLICATIONS Where the CAMCOPTER® S-100 truly excels is the support it offers commanders and decision makers operating in the highly complex littoral environment, with the drone’s ability to deploy and operate from both land and maritime sites interchangeably, as well as to be rapidly reconfigured in support of different operational needs and levels of command. Its flexible logistics requirements, limited demand for resources and ability to operate from the most austere sites allows the S-100 to remain close to the center of effort, irrespective of whether it is on land or at sea.