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UAS Weekly: Schiebel's CAMCOPTER® S-100 shines at REPMUS 2024 with multi-mission mastery English 21.10.2024 pdf
Drones World: CAMCOPTER® S-100 obtains first ever Design Verification Report for rotary wing UAS English 08.10.2024 pdf
Aeromag: French Navy's CAMCOPTER® S-100 protects Olympic Games 2024 waters English 13.08.2024 pdf
Militär Aktuell: Zu Besuch bei Schiebel - wo die CAMCOPTER® herkommen German 24.07.2024 pdf
EDR: Schiebel opens facility in France English 20.06.2024 pdf
Jane's: RoK Navy to operate CAMCOPTER® S-300s from two ship classes English 08.03.2024 pdf
Truppendienst: Schiebel liefert S-300 Drohnen an Südkoreanische Marine German 22.02.2024 pdf
Naval Technology: South Korean Navy expands drone fleet with heavy-lift CAMCOPTER® S-300 English 20.02.2024 pdf
Australian Aviation: VTOL survellance drone receives CASA approval English 15.02.2024 pdf
Defence Industry: CAMCOPTER® S-100 passes acceptance test under the UK's Peregrine programme English 30.08.2023 pdf
Bild: Mit Drohnen gegen Stinke-Pötte German 26.08.2023 pdf
Futurezone: Australien setzt Drohnen aus Österreich zur Hightech-Kriegsführung ein German 23.08.2023 pdf
UAS Vision: Riegl integrates VQ-840-G topo-bathymetric laser scanner into Schiebel CAMCOPTER® S-100 English 07.07.2023 pdf
Shephard: Bigger bang for your buoys - Schiebel makes headway on S-300 at Paris Air Show English 22.06.2023 pdf German Police patrols North Sea for ship emissions with CAMCOPTER® S-100 English 01.06.2023 pdf
Aviation Week: Schiebel advancing development of S-300 rotary-wing UAS English 16.03.2023 pdf
Jane's: IDEX 2023 - Schiebel develops CAMCOPTER® S-300 English 22.02.2023 pdf
Jane's: Aero India 2023 - Schiebel, VEM pitch CAMCOPTER® S-100 to Indian Navy English 20.02.2023 pdf
EDR On-line: Schiebel and Thales awarded Royal Navy contract by UK Ministry of Defence English 10.02.2023 pdf
Militär Aktuell: S-300 - Schiebel stell größeren S-100 vor English 02.11.2022 pdf
Shephard: CAMCOPTER® S-100 relays acoustic buoy surveillance in NATO exercise English 25.10.2022 pdf
Wehrtechnik: Schiebel hat Erprobungsflüge des CAMCOPTER® S-100 für das BMI an der Österreich-Ungarischen Grenze erfolgreich abgeschlossen English 20.10.2022 pdf
Raksha Anirveda: The range and endurance of the CAMCOPTER® S-100 provides a dedicated "eye in the sky" for meeting the needs of Indian Armed Forces English 20.10.2022 pdf
Vertical: Schiebel CAMCOPTER® S-100's ASW capability impresses at NATO exercise English 20.10.2022 pdf
Moench Publishing: Schiebel's CAMCOPTER® S-100 demonstrates ASW capabilities English 20.10.2022 pdf
Naval News: Schiebel teasews new CAMCOPTER® S-300 at Euronaval English 20.10.2022 pdf
Horizon: Schiebel partnership with NGO Earthrace delivers results in the fight for global environmental and wildlife protection English 31.08.2022 pdf
UAS Weekly: Schiebel partnership with NGO Earthrace delivers results in the fight for global environmental and wildlife protection English 30.08.2022 pdf
Naval News: Bristow to provide Schiebel CAMCOPTER® UAS capability to UKSAR2G English 12.08.2022 pdf
Flight Global: Bristow wins £1.6bn UKSAR2G contract and shakes up fleet English 21.07.2022 pdf
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